Category Archives: Quora

Ten Most Insightful Questions Asked on Quora (And their Answers)

By My Web Writers

Quora question

Quora is the mixing pot of any question you could ever imagine being asked. From fun and nonsensical to deep and personal, browsing through the variety of questions can keep you occupied for days. The best feature of Quora is the online community it creates where answers can be submitted and edited by anyone. Here is list of the ten most insightful questions asked on Quora – and their top answers. Be sure and visit the full answer thread to view the many other answers submitted to these thought provoking and possibly life changing inquiries.

1. What are your best tips for content strategy bloggers?

 One of the top answers: There are lots of different options here, but I’ll just give you one: Answer the questions that are being asked in your target market. This way, you’ll be the more likely to offer advice that actually helps others as well as more likely that your content will be found and shared.

(From Jeffrey Trull, Content Strategist and Copywriter)

View full answer thread here.

 2. How do you get your users engaged in an online conversation?

 One of the top answers: The first step is to make the conversation about your users, not about you. This is simple, but it’s probably the number one thing companies get wrong. What connects your users/fans/prospects is so much bigger than your brand. What do they love, and love to talk about? The second step is to connect them to each other. If you can go beyond starting and chiming into conversations, but play the role of a true connector and facilitator, conversations will naturally start between people that share interests, goals, proximity, etc.

(From Ian Greenleigh, Author, The Social Media Side Door)

View full answer thread here.

3. What are the top 10 things that we should be informed about in life?

One of the top answers: Self-awareness is the lubricant to all social friction. If you can see yourself the way others truly see you, you are well on your way to getting along with others. In seeing yourself for what you are, you can laugh at yourself. If you can laugh at yourself, you will avoid so much anger or insult. You will bond, team up, work with, and get along so much better with others.

(From Christopher Graves, Global CEO at Ogilvy Public Relations)

View full answer thread here.

4. How do you respond to foul language and angry customers on your social media channels?

One of the top answers: Upset customers can be a blessing in disguise if you understand how to handle the situation. Foul language should never be tolerated and you can always tell them you apologize for the misunderstanding and you will be willing to help if the language becomes appropriate again. The best thing to do is to take the conversation private, all these customers want is to be heard that is why they are blasting your channels with negativity. So let them be heard, then assure them that this is not the experience you want them to have and fix the issue. If handled correctly instead of cursing your company, they will be singing your praises on all the same channels, which is a very good thing.

(From Tony Ferreira)

View full answer thread here.

5. What is the biggest misconception people have about life?

One of the top answers: The most widespread misconception is the notion that life has any meaning other the one you put into it yourself. People of all ages, religions and backgrounds look for it as if it were something external to their life, something that can be defined by external forces, be it God or evolution. But whatever meaning we decide to settle on, whether it’s a set of axioms prescribed by a religion, an outcome of years-long soul searching, a set of rules defined by a society, or simply “I don’t give a damn” position, at the end it is still a result of our own choice.

(From Ray N. Kuili, Author of Awakening)

View full answer thread here.

6. What is the single greatest piece of career advice you’ve ever gotten?

One of the top answers: Fill out the application. Sometimes the best things in life are huge and terrifying, different and drenched with change, but they require you to take that step in the middle of one night. You click that button, fill out that form, make the call, send the email. Take the chance, take the risk and fail. Fail until you finally get the call back, which never comes to the very scared person who never filled out the application.

(From Jon Davis)

View full answer thread here.

7. What is the essence of entrepreneurship?

One of the top answers: I believe that at the heart of every entrepreneur is a profound spirit of adventure. These dynamic men and women are bold visionaries that possess an inherent creativity that allows them to dream outside the box. They seem to have an intuitive awareness into the hearts and minds of the world around them. Entrepreneurs are the trailblazers into the ever-changing wilderness of the needs and desires of the global consumer. They adapt by continuing to lean against the edges of their comfort zone. They refuse to be encumbered by the status quo. They are the masters of their own destiny and see themselves as the authors of possibility. In a nutshell, this is the essence of entrepreneurship.

(From Christopher Schuhmacher, inmate San Quentin State Prison)

View full answer thread here.

8. What is the biggest mistake in your 30s and what did you learn from it?

One of the top answers: I’m currently heading towards my mid-thirties. I believe one of my biggest mistakes is focusing so much on work and my career while letting everything else take second place. Especially my health, friends and family.

(From Michael Dorian Bach, Product Designer, Photographer, Cyclist)

View full answer thread here.

9. What single insight most changed your life?

One of the top answers: “What’s the worst thing that can happen? They can say No.” Not “you’re stupid,” or “you’re not good enough,” or “you’re worthless,” or “you’re ugly,” or whatever other crazy ideas I come up with in the process of over-thinking every rejection. Just a simple “No.” That’s it. The prospect of rejection is much less daunting when you think of it as a simple “No” and move on, rather than dwelling on all the other hidden implications– which may or may not be real, but nevertheless get compounded by over-thinkers like me.

(From Lisa Lin)

View full answer thread here.

10. How is chess similar to life?

One of the top answers: For me the similarity is simple, I have no idea how to play chess.

(From Anonymous)

View full answer thread here.


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Filed under Quora

Tricks to Using LinkedIn and Quora to Research Topics and Articles

By My Web Writers582041_computer_1

LinkedIn and Quora can be used for much more than meets the eye. Most think of LinkedIn as a professional website for job hunting, and some see Quora as a question-and-answer site with no more credibility than Wikipedia. If you know a few tricks, however, both can be excellent resources for researching topics and articles. Whether you’re a content writer or researching for a school assignment, turning to these sites can provide some great information, or at least point you in the right direction for other outstanding sources.


LinkedIn is no doubt a great source for networking and showcasing your list of job skills for potential employers, but it can also be used to research topics and articles. LinkedIn Today is the perfect spot to see what other professionals are sharing. Like the “How to use LinkedIn Today” video says, “There’s too much information out there, and not enough time in the day.”

LinkedIn Today gives you information from industry professionals and experts who have knowledge to share about specific topics. Not only can you search for a specific topic on LinkedIn Today, but can then filter down the results even further based on time posted, industry, or even company.

You can also set up your LinkedIn Today posts to show up on your LinkedIn homepage. You can select specific topics or even people to follow. The articles will be catered to your specifications!

Join a LinkedIn Group and read what others are asking or sharing.  Some of the best, blog post topics can be formed just by looking at forum questions.


“Anyone can ask, answer, or edit questions on Quora,” is the welcome you get once you’ve logged in to your Quora page.  Get answers from real people from all over the world. The answers might come from doctors, lawyers, writers, etc.

Quora has some great tips on getting started and how to decide which information makes for a good answer. For example, a good answer will often include a link to a research article or website that will provide more detailed information. The best answers are voted to the top of the often long list of answers.

If you can’t find a question that’s already been asked about your topic, ask the question yourself! You’ve got a world of people out there waiting to answer, so why not ask? The answers could open up a world of information you had no idea was out there and can be quoted in your blog post.

While LinkedIn and Quora shouldn’t be your only means of researching, the information found can certainly point you in the right direction. LinkedIn and Quora can offer analysis from industry experts and professionals that you might not otherwise find. ~Natalie

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Filed under LinkedIn, Quora, Research Tips, Revising & Proofreading, Social Media, The Writing Process